Purchase Reports

“This is a remarkable exploration of the topic. Detailed, yet comprehensible, it is such a time and anxiety saver! Have you tried to research this issue yourself, without a guide? DON’T… Mr. Wadsworth has done the heavy lifting for you! Highly recommend!” – Amazon –

2017 Massachusetts Edition Available Now;
New York/Long Island Version soon

The 2017 Massachusetts Edition compares and evaluates over 40 information sources and offers ways to find the best combination of doctor, hospital and health plan.  It ranks Massachusetts hospitals based on mortality and morbidity, patient satisfaction and safety and compiles ratings for cardiac, cancer, maternity, emergency, orthopedic and pediatric  care.

While the examples used in this report are from Massachusetts (with occasional references to eastern Long Island, and New York City) the approach and many of the resources are applicable across the country.


Kindle Version
Print Version

I. Finding the Best Doctors

(Section I of the complete report – Kindle version only)

II. Finding the Best Hospitals

(Section II of the complete report – Kindle version only)

III. Finding the Best Health Plan

(Section III of the complete report – Kindle version only)

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